Saturday, January 16, 2010

Are ducks hard to raise? I would like to get two to keep around for bug control. I have cats and one dog.?

Ducks aren't so hard to raise, but chickens are just a bit easier and they don't smell as bad. Chickens are also better for pest control.

Chickens are not stupid, they are quite the smarty pants. They're curious, inquisitive, kind of like a puppy. You just have to spend time with them to truly find out.

With any little bird, you would need to becareful of a cat or a dog getting a hold of them. I would just keep the ducklings or the chicks in a room where your cat or dog won't have access to them.

Either way you go, ducks or chickens, they need to be safe and warm. You would need a heat lamp to keep the little things warm. A box for them until they're old enough to be without a heat lamp (a large plastic storage tub if you plan on getting ducks cause the cardboard doesn't fair so well). Straw or saw dust to line the box with so that it is comfortable for the little babies.

You would need to have starter feed (make sure that you buy the one that is meant for chicks or ducklings). You can make the feed constantly available to them so they'll eat whenever they're hungry. Plenty of water available (not so much that baby chicks can drown if they accidently fall in, and not so much that the ducklings can go for an unsupervised swim). Make sure that their feed stays dry so that bacteria won't have a chance to hurt the little things.

Ducklings love to swim, but they really shouldn't if they're young. They won't know any better on how long they should be in the water if a swimming pool is left open to them. You have to act as the mother duck and limit their time in the water. I would say about 10 minutes at the most in water that is room temperature. After they are out and done swimming, make sure that they dry off completely.

When they get older, have a shelter built for them so that they can be protected from wretched weather and make sure that they have an enclosed area where they can roam without the treat of predators. I raise my chickens as pets, so they don't have a traditional coop. All chickens require is just some place to stay dry while they sleep and a perch high up (you may need to put perches closer to the ground while they're young) and a nesting box (or an secluded area where they will lay eggs).

I suggest the same for a duck as well, except for the perches which they won't use. Ducks just need some place where they can swim to their hearts content. They will also need something to protect them from the weather too. My ducks have a 'dog house' incase of really bad weather. But in most decent weathers, they sleep under a tent (a sheet of plywood held up by some 2x4's).

Both chickens and ducks are wonderful pets. With time, you will see that they have wonderful personalities that you will just fall in love with.

Best of luck to you!Are ducks hard to raise? I would like to get two to keep around for bug control. I have cats and one dog.?
I would suggest a chicken. They eat bugs and are easier. You must be careful though because almost anything( bugs, dogs, cats) will try and kill it. Also they are very stupid. If it rains they will look up and keep their mouths open till they drown themselves.Are ducks hard to raise? I would like to get two to keep around for bug control. I have cats and one dog.?
you might want to keep cats away sure the ducks are pretty fun and easy to raise and they would keep the bugs away but my cat eats alot of birds i dont know if your cats eat alot of birds and stuff or not .but i think that ducks are really cute when they are young
Ducks aren't hard to raise and they can make wonderful pets. I just suggest you don't try raising them in the house -- take it from me, they smell!

Ducks are not hard to raise and they are lots of fun. I'd recommend that you check out this book, ';Raising the Home Duck Flock,'; by Dave Holderread.

It comes in 2 versions, there is a blue tealish colored one or the one done by Storey publishing.

As for the other pets, you'll just have to sit down and do some very extension training with them.
ive had both ducks and chickens and chickens do well they will eat lots of bugs and small snakes. ducks also eat lots of bugs. but really it depends on what kind of dog you have i have a jack russel poodle and he used to go chase the chickens for hours and he could never catch one. but both ducks and chickens are easy to raise you just have to feed them really... if you need some more info you can email me at

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