Monday, January 18, 2010

Natural Pest Control (pill bugs)?

I have pill bugs and sow bugs in my strawberry patch. They are getting to the strawberries that are beginning to ripen and chewing holes in the bottom. I know that crushed egg shells get rid of slugs and marigolds keep the rabbits at bay but I can't find anything about these little buggers. Help!Natural Pest Control (pill bugs)?
Good luck! Pillbugs/sow bugs are suppose to stay in the soil and eat the organic matter thus breaking it down.......but who can blame them for wanting a nice soft strawberry instead?

You need to isolate your berries from soil moisture. Just a straw mulch may not be may have to get creative........?? elevating the fruit onto something ?? roof shingles??

I'm afraid diatomaceous earth won't help much if the soil remains wet as it will just melt in.

Pro growers use plastic over their beds and plant in very small holes, then allowing the berries to ripen isolated from the soil.

Pill bug/ sow bugs are considered beneficial......yeah right! Not in my garden.

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